While Cohiba, Montecristo, and Partagas receive much of the spotlight directed towards Cuban cigars, Romeo y Julieta continues its long run as a favorite of connoisseurs. Romeo y Julieta cigars are cherished for their smooth, elegant, yet intensely flavorful profiles. The Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills cigar showcases a wondrous 5.1” x 55 size that modern smokers find irresistible.
The Wide Churchills cigar’s broad diameter and balanced length make for optimal delivery of the rich Vuelta Abajo-grown tobacco’s refined, exquisitely complex character. The smoke is medium-bodied with elegantly presented earth, cedar, floral, leather, and spice notes. Hints of chocolate, teak wood, and berry flavors weave into the blend before a composed, deeply layered finale.
The Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills cigars are the quintessential Romeo y Julieta cigars for the modern age, offering deliciously classic styling and a larger format perfect for extracting every nuance from the beautifully blended and aged tobacco.
Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills is the name of the new vitola offered by Habanos, S.A. which evolves from the Romeo y Julieta brand. Its special measurements which are exclusive in this Habanos vitola make Wide Churchills a predominantly gorgeous Habano for those smokers. Most of them appreciate the Habanos for providing a heavy ring gauge and a composed and perfumed blend. Habanos SA is always coming up in the market with new and fascinating ‘spins’ on their most renowned products. This piece has no dissimilarity from its products. In recent times, the Romeo y Julieta brand has been decided that they will be producing the Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills in a Tubo format (Ring Gauge 55 (21.83 mm) x 130mm long). This exclusive is sold solely at the Casa del Habano workshops around the world. Habanos SA states that the Wide Churchill are “Its special sizes –unique for this vitola- make the Wide Churchills mainly a tempting habano for those smokers who love smoking on profuse ring gauge cigars and being contented about its well-balanced and aromatic blend.”