Montecristo No. 4
Montecristo No. 4
Montecristo No. 4
Ring Gauge | 42 |
Length | 129 mm / 5.1 inches |
Strength | Medium |
Size | Petit Corona |
For cigar lovers around the world, there is no more revered cigar brand than Montecristo. Since 1935, Montecristo cigars have captivated aficionados with a distinctively refined character like no other. The Montecristo No. 4 is a perfect example, presenting a luxurious blend of tobaccos from Vuelta Abajo that imparts a smooth, complex personality to the cigar experience.
Montecristo No. 4 cigars are 5.1” x 42 in size, providing great flexibility in where and when you smoke. Rich wood, earth, coffee, pepper, and nut flavors are at the heart of the medium-bodied smoke’s complexity. Deeper notes of chocolate, orange zest, and cream add to the smoke’s satisfying nature. The Montecristo No. 4 cigar’s finish is silky and long.
The Montecristo No. 4 cigar will keep you entertained from start to finish with luxurious taste and refinement at a comparatively great value. A versatile pairing cigar, keep a box of 25 Montecristo No. 4 cigars on hand to savor your favorite drinks in a style that only Montecristo could provide.